Gravel Plot Subsistence: March 29 & 30

The gravel plot will be open for two monitored subsistence harvests of clams and oysters (NOT including cockles) next week. You must have and report your catch on a subsistence card and follow the daily subsistence limits. Friday, March 29th from 12-4:30 pm Saturday,...

Guidance Regarding COVID & Other Respiratory Illnesses

PGST maintains a policy for employees regarding COVID and other respiratory illnesses: Stay home and away from others until you are 24 hours fever-free without the use of medications. After that, additional precautions should be taken for the next five days, including...

Gliding Eagle Closed March 25 from 9 am to 3 pm

Gliding Eagle Marketplace, including its gas pumps and the espresso stand, will be closed on Monday, March 25 from 9 am to 3 pm. This planned closure is for an upgrade of the Point of Sale and credit card processing software. The Market and pumps will re-open to...

Enrollment Eligibility to be Voted on at General Council

At the Spring 2024 General Council meeting, on Saturday, March 30, a proposed Constitutional amendment regarding Enrollment Eligibility is on the agenda for a ballot vote. The vote is whether to send the proposed amendment to the membership for an election vote. This...