Food Bank Update

Due to the increased needs, limited space and funding amounts we are limiting Food Bank use to one time a week per family. For now we will al only be stocking basics such as; meat, noodles, cereal, spaghetti basics, rice, macaroni, canned fruits and vegges, etc…...

School Clothes Vouchers Open August 1, 2024

School clothing vouchers will be available beginning August 1, 2024. APPLICATIONS WILL NOTBE ACCEPTED AFTER August 30, 2024 at 4:30 pm. Applications are at the Career and Education, the front desk,  or available for download below. This assistance is for Youth...

Wood Harvesting

The alder pile from the pedestrian safety sidewalk project is now open to elders and/or their designated harvesters! The wood piles are located in the old sewer drain field near Ravenwood. For the first week, this pile is limited to elder households.  There will be a...

Financial Literacy Information Sessions

Financial Literacy Information Sessions When: July 23rd and 24th  from 5-7 PM   Where: Housing Conference Room  Topics: Tuesday July 23rd- Money Management Wednesday July 24th – Home Ownership Please sign up with Stormy at Housing Reception –...