A burn ban will be in effect starting at midnight on Friday, July 7, 2023. This includes:

  • Small campfires and bonfires must be in a fire ring and must be directly attended at all times with a water source close by.
  • Small beach fires are allowed at Point Julia.
  • Clambake and smokehouse fires for smoking foods must be used during daytime hours only and must be directly attended at all times with a water source nearby.
  • All gated backroads on the reservation will be locked. Signs posted at gates will instruct how to get permission to access forest areas.
  • Fireworks will be allowed at a designated area, date, and time. See below.

Tribal Fireworks Code 5.04.13 states: “Any person who discharges fireworks in a reckless manner that creates substantial risk or property damage or death or serious physical injury to another, or who discharges fireworks while under the influence of intoxicants, or who discharges fireworks while a PGST burn ban is in effect shall be guilty of a Class C offense.”

Individuals who cause damage due to fire from fireworks may still be prosecuted and held liable for damages.

Tribal Council is allowing a temporary exception to the law: a fireworks display only at Point Julia on July 7 from 8 pm to 10:30 pm.

Other than the exception noted above, after 11:59 pm on July 6, fireworks are illegal as long as the burn bad is in effect. 

Individuals who cause damage due to fire from fireworks may still be prosecuted and held liable for damages.

PLEASE use extreme caution and in case of fire, call 9-1-1 immediately.