Housing BOC

The Port Gamble S’Klallam Housing Authority is seeking interested individuals to submit a letter of interest for TWO positions on the Housing Board of Commissioners. The letter must contain experience and other boards currently served on. This is a 3-year appointment...

Board and Committee Openings

ADVISORY COMMITTEES’ OPEN POSITIONS Tribal Council is seeking interested tribal members to serve on the following Advisory Committees:  Open Lot Advisory Committee Position  There is currently 1 open Lot Advisory Committee (LAC) position, this position will be...

Enrollment/Election Committee Open Positions

ADVISORY COMMITTEES OPEN POSITIONS Tribal Council is seeking interested tribal members to serve on the following Advisory Committees: Enrollment/Election Committee (2 positions, appointments will serve both Committees)  These positions will be appointed in October...

Advisory Committee Open Position

ADVISORY COMMITTEES OPEN POSITIONS Tribal Council is seeking interested tribal members to serve on the following Advisory Committees:   Parks and Roads Committee (1 position)    This position will be appointed in October 2024 and expire in October 2028 (4-year term)....