Dec 6, 2023 | Entities, Events, NKI
The Point Casino & Hotel is proud to announce the opening of its Golden Nugget Sportsbook on December 7th at 3 pm. To celebrate, The Point is inviting PGST members to a preview event on Thursday, December 7 from noon to 3 pm in the Boom Boom Bingo Bar &...
Oct 24, 2023 | Community, Elections, Events, Tribal Council
Tribal Council is calling a special session on Wednesday, October 25 at 10 am to swear in the new PGST Chairperson. All PGST community members are invited to attend in-person or over Zoom. The winner of today’s Chairperson election will be announced as soon as...
Sep 29, 2023 | Community, Elections, Events, Tribal Council
On Thursday, October 19 at 5 pm in the Elders Center, there will be a Community Q&A with the candidates for Chairperson. This event is NOT hosted by the PGST Government. It is being hosted by the Elder Advisory Committee and moderated by Georgia Makris. It is open...
Jul 10, 2023 | Community, Events, News, Tribal Council
Chairman Jeromy Sullivan’s Celebration of Life is on Saturday, July 22 beginning at 1 pm. The memorial will take place in the Gym with overflow seating in the Longhouse. If you are planning to attend, please read this entire post. Important information follows. There...
May 31, 2023 | Community, Entities, Events
On Tuesday, June 6 at 4 pm, the Northwest Native Development Fund will make a presentation in the Longhouse for Tribal fishermen and members who are interested in starting their own small business. The event, which is being hosted by Noo-Kayet Investments’...