Notice: Bay restoration work begins June 10

Upland cleanup and restoration work begins early next week around the Bay and former Mill Site. You will see equipment and hear noise on the Port Gamble side while bulldozers remove concrete, asphalt, and contaminated soils. Contractors may work long hours to get the...

Info on Region 5 Hood Canal Crab Open

Region 5 Hood Canal (25C, 27A, 27B) Crab will open on Monday, June 17 at 8 am and close Wednesday, June 19 at 6 pm. 35 pots per vessel, only 3 pots allowed in PG Bay. The full regulations can be found at You must register with the Natural Resources Office...

May 10: Gravel Plot Open for Subsistence Harvest

The gravel plot will be open for a monitored subsistence harvest of clams and oysters (NOT including cockles) on Friday, 5/10 from 10 am to 4 pm. You must have and report your catch on a subsistence card and follow the daily subsistence limits. Cockle harvest remains...