The Children and Family Services department has 5 openings on the Children and Family Services Advisory Committee.
Tribal Council has tasked this committee to act in an advisory capacity to the Children and Family Services Department (CFS) to develop, amend, and implement culturally appropriate policies and procedures to the programs and services they provide. CFS Programs include Child Support, Kinship, Indian Child Welfare, WIC; Women, Infants, and Children, TANF, SNAP, and many other community services.
Membership on the committee is open to enrolled tribal members who are 18 years of age or older. The committee meets quarterly for 2 hours with stipend provided; however, additional meetings may be called, as necessary. Membership requires commitment to attend all meetings in person; zoom and telephonic appearance is not permitted.
Please submit a letter of interest to [email protected] or drop it off at the Front Desk by Friday August 4th.