Cultural Resources

Cultural Resources links all generations within the community to allow S’Klallam cultural knowledge, traditions, and language to thrive and be part of our lives. The department shares cultural perspective and teachings with the Tribal community, departments, and off-Reservation entities as an educational tool to build allies, support, and understanding of our rich and vibrant culture.
They also work to increase community engagement and public recognition, while improving networking opportunities to increase collaborative efforts to build upon cultural strengths.
2024 Culture Committe Team

Programs/services offered:
- Ongoing cultural classes. We are always looking for suggestions for new topics and S’Klallam artists willing to share their knowledge.
- Ongoing Section 106 consultation. By working with various agencies, we can assure preservation of cultural resources found during or connected to any projects within our Tribe’s Usual and Accustomed Areas.
- Ongoing harvest of seasonal materials, including preservation for future use.
- Ongoing education and outreach on S’Klallam culture and traditional technologies.

Informational Downloads: