Current News & Events
Firework Safety Notice
SAFETY NOTICE FOR FIREWORKS AND THE PORT GAMBLE S’KLALLAM COMMUNITY The Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe has determined that the following areas will be prohibited from discharging Fireworks. Tribal Center Campus Tribal Government areas off campus (Court, Blue House,...
Point Market: Gas Open During Construction
Big things are coming to Point Market: the ongoing remediation project is continuing and construction starts soon to build out the upcoming Training Center. While these activities are happening, the gas pumps are open! Come on in!
High Point Extends Hours for Summer
High Point has extended its hours for the summer! Throughout Labor Day, High Point will be open 8 am to midnight every day, Monday through Sunday. For more information, please visit
June 30: Community Healing Pull & Prayer Circle
This Sunday, June 30, 2024, at 2 pm, PGST Canoe Family and Community are invited to a Community Healing Pull & Prayer Circle at Point Julia Beach. There will be a healing circle and cedar bough release. Bring chairs and comfort foods to share for a potluck. For...
CANCELLED: Northwest Native Development Fund CDFI Event
The Northwest Native Development Fund CDFI information event, which was scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2024, from 5:30-8 pm in the Longhouse has been canceled. Additional information will be provided when and if the event is rescheduled. If you are interested in the...
Tribal Council: Letters of Intent
Tribal Council elections are scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024, at the Main Tribal Center Administration offices. Positions up for election are: Vice-Chairman: incumbent Chris Tom (running unopposed) Council I: incumbent Renee Veregge (running unopposed) Council IV:...
Kitsap Cancer Services Golf Tourment
Please note, as of June 18th all spots have been filled. Tribal Council is sponsoring two teams at the Kitsap Cancer Services Golf Tournament and are looking for 4 people who would like to play! Sign up by July 1st email: [email protected] or call...
Community Trail Notice
The pedestrian trail project will begin soon. The construction will be on Little Boston Roads and intermittent lane closures may occur. Please refer to link for map of construction zone: Trail Community Notice
Press Release: Kitsap County joins regional “Ready, Set, Go!” evacuation messaging campaign
Below please find a press release issued by Kitsap County regarding the "Ready, Set, Go!" messaging campaign, which would be triggered is evacuation from a wildfire or other hazard is necessary.
Expanded Enrollment Eligibility: Applications Now Being Accepted
On May 15, an election was held on whether to adopt a proposed change to the PGST Constitution to expand enrollment eligibility. By a vote of 220 to 66, the amendment passed. The adoption of this revision expands the geographic area where children born to enrolled...