Elders Trip 2025
Aloha PGST Elders! For the Elders large trip this year we will be traveling to Hawaii! The dates are September 25 through September 30, 2025.
We will began taking deposits and sign-ups for the trip on April 1, 2025, the deposit is 100.00. Please pay your deposit with Jenny Antig at the accounting department, or you may pay online through the PGST on-line payment system.
Please remember you must have an enhanced ID to travel, this includes:
- A Real ID Drivers License
- A Real State ID
- A Tribal ID with your picture on it
- A Passport
If you do not have one of the above, you will not be able to get on the plane.
Elder spouses aged 55 years and older are eligible to participate in trips for free. They must pay the required deposit, which will be returned to them during the trip. However, they will not be eligible for a meal stipend. Elder Tribal spouses who have been married for at least 10 years may attend without their Tribal member spouse, if space and budget allow.
Non-Elder Spouses will be responsible for paying half the cost of the trip, not including meals. The funds must be paid by the deposit deadline prior to the trip. They will not be eligible for a meal stipend and the payment is non-refundable.
Elder Caregivers: Only Elders who require a daily caregiver are eligible to have them accompany the Elder on the trip. Caregivers are defined as those who are being paid to care for an Elder, such as a Chore Service worker. The caregivers will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit towards the cost of the trip. They will not be eligible for meal stipends. All caregivers must sign a contract prior to the trip acknowledging their caregiving responsibilities and agreeing that if they do not fulfill the duties, they may be required to re-pay the Program for the cost of the trip.
Because space is limited on the trips, Elders requiring a caregiver may be limited. If the staff believe an Elder may be too fragile to participate in the trip, they may be asked to provide a caregiver or participate in a more appropriate, shorter trip. We will be asking for a doctor’s release if someone with significant health issues signs up for the trip, this is a 6 hour flight and we want to make sure everyone is healthy enough to travel.
I will be sending out all of the location, hotel and flight information within the next month. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Miller at 360-297-9664 or 360-689-7958 or [email protected] –Mahalo