Housing Authority
The PGST Housing Authority helps Tribal members obtain attractive, appropriate, and culturally relevant housing. They are responsible for increasing the number of housing units available to low income Tribal members as well as housing opportunities for all Tribal members through the Housing Authority service area.
Programs and Services
- Rental Assistance Program (Off-Reservation)
- Down-Payment Assistance
- Home Repair
- Homeowners Assistance Fund
- Rental housing for families, Elders, and single persons (On-Reservation)
Current Tenant Info
For online payments, contact information, work orders, etc. Please select the correct link based on what neighborhood you reside in:
- Low-Rent Program: S’Klallam Hill, Kwayachen Ct, Bud Purser Cabins, Senior Housing, Teekalet
- Warrior Ridge Phase I: Fighter Drive, Brave Rd
- Warrior Ridge Phase II: Protector Rd
- Tenant Portal Login (If you do not already have a login, please contact the office and we will email you a registration link!)
Contact Info
Housing Main Line: (360) 297-6350
Kara Horton, Executive Director
karah@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6351
Rhonda Holland, Assistant Director
rhondah@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6347
Kyle Loescher, Project Manager
kloescher@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 340-5853
Katarina Krieger, Resident Services Specialist
katarinak@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6350 x. 5826
Cathy Jordan, Resident Services Specialist
cjordan@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6346
Tina Leany, Senior Accountant
tinal@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6349
Whitley Cox, Accounting Assistant
wcox@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6348
Stormy Purser, Administrative Assistant stormy.purser@pgst.nsn.us or (360) 297-6350 x 0

Rental Waitlist Application– On-Reservation
Rental Assistance Application – Off-Reservation
Housing News & Updates
Homebuyer and Financial Management Course : March 24 and 25;CANCELLED.
Please keep your eye out for future classes in 2025
Port Gamble S’Klallam Housing Authority
The Port Gamble S’Klallam Housing Authority (PGSHA) intends to apply for the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Grant through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. While the grant has many purposes related to housing,...
Special General Council Meeting
Special General Council Meeting Today- February 27, 2024. Topic is: Planning, Housing, and Development. This meeting begins at 5:00pm Log and to hear updates and learn about new and upcoming projects. This is a ZOOM ONLY Meeting. Join Zoom Meeting with the following:...