The Spring General Council meeting is on Saturday, March 29. Breakfast is served at 8 am with the meeting starting at 9 in the Longhouse -the meeting is closed to everyone except PGST Members.

The agenda with related topics for presentation/discussion is as follows:

  1. Call to Order at 9 am
  2. S’Klallam Singers
  3. Establish a Quorum
  4. Motion to Approve the Agenda
  5. Motion to Approve Minutes
  6. Enrollment by Adoption Ballot
  7. Chairwoman’s Welcome
  8. Council Reporting
  9. Children’s Playground to be Named for Rose E. Purser – Donna Jones
  10. Touch up the paint on the welcome totem pole – Donna Jones
  11. Tribal Member Employment Challenge Policy – Eugene Purser
  12. 2024 Annual Report Video
  13. Council Clothing Allowance – Kelly Sullivan
  14. Developing paid Council positions – Kelly Sullivan
  15. Tribal Member Benefit Reminders – Mandi Moon
  16. Announcements
  17. Adjourn

Door Prize Drawings

Only Tribal members will be recognized to speak or vote on Tribal issues.