As was announced last month, Chairman Jeromy Sullivan has been out on medical leave as he deals with some serious health issues. He is currently working with a team of doctors and is receiving the best care possible. He and his family appreciate those throughout our community who have sent their thoughts and prayers for his speedy recovery.

In Chairman Sullivan’s absence, Vice-Chair Chris Tom has stepped up to lead Tribal Council meetings and ensure the business of the Council continues. Other duties typically performed by the Chairman are being carried out by the remaining members of Tribal Council and the Executive Team, lead by Kelly Sullivan.

We are looking forward to welcoming Chairman Sullivan back to the good work he has been doing on behalf of the Tribe for over 15 years. Until that day arrives, we want to assure the community that governmental operations continue without pause.

Any questions can be directed to any member of Tribal Council or the Executive Team. We will continue to provide updates as they become available.

Thank you,

Chris Tom, Vice-Chair

Renee Veregge, Council Person I

Donovan Ashworth, Council Person II

Matthew Ives, Council Person III

Amber Caldera, Council Person IV