Jul 24, 2023 | Community, Elders
ATTENTION: If you’re planning on attended the Elders Trip, please submit your full name and birthdate, as it appears on your ID, to Cheryl Miller via email at [email protected]. Please submit this information no later than Wednesday, July 26. Without this...
May 18, 2023 | Elders, Events
The Elders will be going to Las Vegas for the 2023 elders trip. We will fly out on September 11, 2023 and return on September 15, 2023. We will be staying at the Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino on Freemont Street. Because of space and rooms reserved at the hotel,...
Mar 23, 2023 | Community, Elders
PGST is providing $1000 of assistance to Elders 55 or older. Many have already applied for their money, but there’s a small number who we haven’t heard from yet. We don’t want these Elders to miss out before the March 31 deadline! Here are the Elders...