Current News & Events

Gravel Plot Subsistence: March 29 & 30

The gravel plot will be open for two monitored subsistence harvests of clams and oysters (NOT including cockles) next week. You must have and report your catch on a subsistence card and follow the daily subsistence limits. Friday, March 29th from 12-4:30 pm Saturday,...

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Announcement Regarding Seals and Sea Lions

Announcement: There has been a Facebook message circulating that states Tribes can now start lethally removing seals and sea lions. This is not true. There is a carve out in the MMPA Section 120(f) that has a task force of federal, state, and Tribal partners on the...

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1st Yǝhúmǝct Workshop

1st Yǝhúmǝct Workshop: Living Well Today at 5:30 pm in the Longhouse. All PGST community welcome, all ages. Dinner will be provided, we hope to see everyone tonight! These prizes are excited to find a home tonight!

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Gliding Eagle Closed March 25 from 9 am to 3 pm

Gliding Eagle Marketplace, including its gas pumps and the espresso stand, will be closed on Monday, March 25 from 9 am to 3 pm. This planned closure is for an upgrade of the Point of Sale and credit card processing software. The Market and pumps will re-open to...

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Spring General Council

The Spring General Council meeting is on Saturday, March 30th. The meeting starts at 9 am with breakfast at 8 am Please attend if you’re able! Childcare is being provided. Having a quorum ensures that the business of the Tribe (including the adoption of new members!)...

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Tanning Class

Buckskin Tanning Class at Jake Jones Park Class will be held on Saturday -April 13th at 11:00am at Jake Jones Park 10 spots are available for youth and community members to attended To reserve your spot please contact: Garrett Sitting Dog by email at:...

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ADVISORY COMMITTEES OPEN POSITIONS Tribal Council is seeking interested tribal members to serve on the following Advisory Committees:  Law and Order Committee (1 position) – Closes March 27th 2024 The position will be appointed Spring 2024 and expire in Spring 2028...

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