Current News & Events

Seeking Certified S’Klallam Language Teacher

Tribal Council is interested in working with a certified S’Klallam language teacher to incorporate the S’Klallam language into their meetings (like welcoming, introductions, making motions, etc). Interested parties should submit a proposal, including draft schedule,...

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Special General Council Meeting

Special General Council Meeting Today- February 27, 2024. Topic is: Planning, Housing, and Development. This meeting begins at 5:00pm Log and to hear updates and learn about new and upcoming projects. This is a ZOOM ONLY Meeting. Join Zoom Meeting with the following:...

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Higher Education Technology Assistance Policy

Attention Port Gamble S'Klallam Higher Education Students: Tribal Council approved the Higher Education Technology Assistance Policy to promote the general welfare of the Tribe by providing a laptop and a license for Microsoft Office to support tribal members pursuing...

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Bite of Boston: March 15th at 11 am!

The Bite of Boston is back! The popular food festival is scheduled for Friday, March 15th beginning at 11 am in the Tribal Gym/Kitchen. This event is fueled by the community with small dishes and desserts made and sold until everyone sells out. Attendees buy tickets...

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ADVISORY COMMITTEES OPEN POSITIONS Tribal Council is seeking interested tribal members to serve on the following Advisory Committees: Lot Committee (3 positions) These positions will be appointed in March 2024 and expire in March 2028 (4-year terms). Lot Advisory...

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Elders Parking Enforcement Begins February 16

Out of care for our elders, we will soon begin enforcement of the Tribal Elders parking permit program. Starting February 16, 2024, a vehicle may not stop or park in an elders-only parking space without a permit. The misuse of an elders only parking space may result...

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Spring General Council Agenda Request

Spring General Council is on Saturday, March 30, 2024. The meeting will start at 9:00am, breakfast will be served at 8:00am. All Agenda Requests for the Spring General Council meeting are due March 1, 2024 by 4:30pm. Agenda forms are available at the front desk, in...

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