Healthcare Assistance Opening Soon!

Healthcare Assistance Opening Soon!

Are you a PGS Tribal member that has had healthcare expenses within the last 12 months, and you live outside of the Purchased Referred Care (PRC or previously Contract Health) coverage area of Kitsap County? There is now Healthcare Expense Assistance OPEN to you!...

PGST Community Court Announcement–PLEASE READ

We have randomly drawn a pool of prospective jurors for the upcoming criminal Mock jury trial in the Community Court on March 29th, 2023.  Since the start of Covid we have not had the ability to have a jury trial and the Court currently has four (4) criminal jury...

Attention 2023 PGST High School Graduates!

We’re working on celebrating you and your accomplishments! If you have not already, please send in a picture of your choice to or to! We’d like to get a head start on banners and questionnaires.   PGST High School and...