Forest and Conservation Program
Program Manager: Nicole Aikman
Email: [email protected]
- Issac Purser, Forest and Fish Specialist
The Forest and Conservation Program office is located in the Natural Resources Department wetlab building on the tribal campus.
The Forest and Conservation program was established in 2024. It is responsible for:
- Managing PGST timberlands
- Developing and implementing a conservation plan to protect and restore critical habitats on reservation lands
- Overseeing the implementation of PGST’s firewood harvest code (Title 12) and permit restrictions
- Managing the PGST conservation areas and maintaining an inventory of all critical habitats and conservation values, in coordination with the Environmental Program, Research and Monitoring Program, Natural Resources Enforcement, and the Cultural Resources Department staff
In addition, the Forest and Fish Specialist under the guidance of the Forest and Conservation manager reviews and provides feedback to WA DNR and large landowners such as Rayonier when they submit timber harvest applications within PGST’s Usual and Accustomed areas.
On reservation Wood Harvest
- For information on Tree Removal on Individual lots click here
- If you are concerned about hazard trees near roads or power lines, contact the Utilities department.
- If you are concerned about hazard trees in rental housing, contact the housing department. If you are concerned about hazard trees on the tribal campus, please contact the Maintenance department.