Wildlife Program
- Garrett Sitting Dog, Wildlife Program Technician
- Cassandra Sullivan, Wildlife Specialist
- Tyler Sullivan, Policy Advisor (Shellfish & Hunting)
The Wildlife Program monitors and manages wildlife resources to ensure that those resources are sustainable for generations to come.
Healthy population assessments are used to make recommendations to the Tribal council through the hunting committee about the length of hunting season, opening dates, and hunter quotas. We assess health by tracking the breeding seasons and investigating consistent issues with population (disease, lack of food, and predator population increase). We monitor elk, deer, cougar, bear, mountain goat, and occasionally waterfowl.
The wildlife program works with the hunting committee, which makes recommendations to the Tribal Council on amendments to Title 18 (Hunting Code) and annual hunting regulations. The Tribal Council retains authority over the adoption of tribal hunting laws. The Hunting Committees from each of the Point No Point tribes meet several times a year and meet to share data and discuss tribal wildlife management issues. Title 18: Hunting Code.
We collect and survey harvest data on the hunted species.

Projects, Programs, and Services:
- Meet with the 7-member hunting committee monthly.
- Provide annual regulations.
- Issue hunting tags
- Elk monitoring
- Olympic Cougar Project
- Camera grid (population estimates)
- Provide wildlife classes